11月 Cambridge Day Online #3 イベントレポート

Cambridge Day Online #3の様子
先生方に好評をいただいているCambridge Day。
11月15日(日)に開催されたCambridge Day Online #3の様子をレポートします。
Critical Thinking in the Digital Age: CT through online classes
James Dunn 先生 (愛知大学)
For the third installment of Cambridge Day Online, held on Sunday 15th November, we were very happy to invite Professor James Dunn (Aichi University and JALT Critical Thinking SIG) to give a presentation and workshop on Critical Thinking in the English Language Classroom.
Professor Dunn’s presentation included an overview of what critical thinking means in the EFL context, the ultimate goal of encouraging students to be more active participants in class and three Thinking Approaches to introduce in classes: Creativity & Vocabulary, Blooming Ideas and Getting Metacognitive.
During the workshop teachers were split into smaller groups in breakout rooms to discuss three tasks, each of which related to the three approaches covered in the earlier presentation. The breakout rooms quickly became vibrant hotbeds of discussion and certainly a lot of imaginative and entertaining ideas were shared, and will hopefully be applied to classes all over the country soon!

次回のCambridge Day Onlineは、12月13日(日)です。ケンブリッジのアジアを代表するトレーナー、Allen Davenportによる貴重な機会です!ビデオをクラスで活用する様々な方法、なぜビデオをクラスで使うのかを皆さんと考えた上で、実際にビデオを教材として使うために必要なスキルを得る練習を、このウェビナーを通して体験していただきます。