IELTS指導者必見! IELTSエキスパート達による”Tips for Teaching IELTS”開催
IELTS作問団体であるCambridge University Press & Assessmentは、IELTS指導者を対象にしたオンラインイベントを開催いたします。グロバール化が進み、IELTSは大学生・社会人だけでなく、高校生の受検者も増えています。
そこでこの度、ケンブリッジが誇るアジアのスーパー・ティーチャートレーナーAllen Davenport、そして日本でIELTSエキスパートとしてご活躍される嶋津幸樹氏に、「Top Tips for Teaching IELTS」をテーマに登壇いただきます。
With the demand for growing demand for global standards in English Education here in Japan, IELTs is growing in popularity as the exam of choice, for both working adults and for students from early as high school. In response to this trend, Cambridge University Press & Assessment teacher trainer Allen Davenport and Japanese IELTS expert Koki Shimazu will be discussing "Top Tips for Teaching IELTS." Any teachers interested in learning more about IELTS, and advice on how to approach teaching IELTS are welcome to attend!
日時: 2023年3月30日(木) 17:00-18:00 (Thursday March 30th, 2023, 17:00~18:00)
イベント形態: オンライン - Zoomウェビナー (Live Webinar via Zoom)
言語: English
定員: 100人
費用: 参加無料、要事前予約 (Free to join, but registration required)
ご予約サイト: こちらのフォームから (Please click here for registration)
主催: Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Allen Davenport is the Professional Learning and Development Manager for Cambridge University Press based in the ASEAN (Southeast Asia) region. He has been actively involved in education for over two decades as a teacher, training consultant, academic director, and examiner for numerous international exam boards. Allen holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and linguistics, a master’s degree in education with a focus on student development, and several other teaching qualifications and certifications related to teaching English as an additional language. In addition to working with teachers in schools and institutions as a teacher trainer, he has often been a featured speaker at international conferences and events. Allen’s professional interests include the development of creativity in learners and connecting theory to practice in language learning.

嶋津 幸樹
1989年山梨県甲斐市生まれ。17歳の時に海外進学塾創業、24歳で売却。世界で最もイノベーティブな教育を実践する英語教師に贈られるピアソンELT(英語教育)ティーチャーアワード2017を世界108ヶ国1395名の応募から選出され受賞。青山学院大学文学部卒業、ケンブリッジ英語教員資格Cambridge CELTAを取得。ロンドン大学教育研究所応用言語学修士課程修了。現在はタクトピア株式会社に所属し、大学講師を務める。The Japan Times Alpha連載、著書10冊以上。
Koki Shimazu is a founder of English Language schools in Japan and is an award-winning teacher who has received recognition for his innovative English camps and enthusiasm for his original English language teaching methodology. Koki graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University and obtained the Cambridge CELTA certificate at the University of Sheffield. He holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from the University College London, Institute of Education. Currently, he is the ELT Director at TAKTOPIA & CO. and teaching at Yamanashi Prefectural University. He also contributes to the Japan Times alpha and has published over 10 ELT books.